885181457108 884128501867 885220832811 723175185487 998389000011 885440789940 782597388173 885142929590 880115065220 885223458858 885232546133 885664147601 885492143356 885576783867 885367717446 79462
Showing the single result
doTERRA Deep Blue Rub – 4 oz
doTERRA Deep Blue Rub is a topical cream formulated with Deep Blue Soothing Blend of CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils, natural plant extracts, and additional helpful ingredients that provides a comforting sensation of cooling and warmth to problem areas
Formulated with the Deep Blue proprietary blend of essential oils and other powerful ingredients
Perfect for the athlete in your life, Deep Blue Rub is blended in a base of moisturizing emollients that leaves your skin soft and non-greasy